
Wine Country Sings in the Holidays

Candlelight Inn would like you to join us in some of the region’s musical celebrations this holiday season. Come to Napa and enjoy the music!


Sing Napa Valley! (formerly Napa Valley Choral Society) have multiple performances scheduled. First, Handel’s Messiah will kick off the groups 50th Anniversary on November 24th. Symphony Napa Valley and professional soloists will join Sing Napa Valley! at the Lincoln Theater in Yountville for this performance of what some call “the greatest music of the western world.” For those who want to be part of the production, the sing-along version of Messiah will be on December 8th at the First United Methodist Church in Napa. Finally, the 5th Annual Candy Cane Carol Sing will be on December 19th, also at the First United Methodist Church. Sing Napa Valley


The Napa Valley Opera House will be hosting Rockapella on December 5th for an A Cappella musical celebration of the season. A Rockapella Christmas will highlight the full-band sound of five guys with only their voices for instruments. In support of local a cappella groups, the American Canyon High School PDA (Public Display of A Cappella) will open the show.


On December 8th, the VOENA Children’s Choir will put on their Voices of the Season Concert at the Lincoln Theater in Yountville. This truly multi-cultural group gives new life to traditional carols and introduces the audience to holiday songs from around the world. If you miss them on the 8th, VOENA will also be at the Napa Valley Opera House on December 21st.



Wine Country Sings in the Holidays 2

Come see Commander Captain Jason Plosch conduct the United States Air Force Concert Band of the Golden West in their free community holiday concert at the Napa Valley Performing Arts Center on December 11th. Stationed at Travis Air Force Base, the Band of the Golden West is the only active Air Force band west of the Rockies. With seven performing groups, this band conducts over 250 performances a year for state, sporting, and community events.


Any visit to wine country deserves an exceptional night’s rest. With our Fall into Winter Package, you can combine holiday festivities and a mid-week stay at Candlelight Inn to reach an ideal holiday frame of mind.